Local Expertise, Fearless Defense Your Trusted Partner in Legal Battles
If you have been charged with a crime, it's critical to immediately contact an experienced criminal defense law firm for legal representation. At Jesse J. Garcia Attorney at Law, we bring 50 years of experience to represent clients in trial litigation confidently.
Our team includes a large, detail-oriented staff who ensures responsive communication throughout the process. We prioritize personable service and will stand by you and your family as we navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system together.
Whether you've been accused of a misdemeanor white-collar crime or a felony murder, our attorney have the experience and dedication to provide the skilled representation you deserve.
Schedule your free initial consultation today. We also proudly offer
bilingual Spanish services to assist our clients better.
We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at 510-782-7580.
Office: 510-782-7580
Email: jesse@jessejgarcialaw.com
Other Payment Option: Direct Transfers
Available by Phone 24/7.
Jesse Garcia: